Contact details

Data Protection Act (1998) 2018 Amendment: The personal data on this form may be used by the Grampian Transport Museum Trust to send you information about the Museum.

Vehicle details
If We feel that this vehicle is of special interest would you be happy for us to use it in promotion of the event?
Would you like to participate in any of the following?

 If you wish to participate in arena activity, please note the following important information: 

“Even though this activity is taking place on our purpose-built events area, which is clearly not a Public Highway, you may be surprised to learn that the Road Traffic Act (RTA) still applies. The activity is run under a permit issued by the International Organisation of Professional Drivers (IOPD) which permits this activity but does not remove the need for insurance.  Some normal insurance policies specifically exclude activities such as these, and so it is essential that you contact your insurers / Broker and get confirmation that your insurance covers you for participation in this event.  Could you please therefore check with your insurance company and email a copy of your insurance certificate to  If we do not receive a copy of your insurance certificate you will not be permitted to take part in any arena activities, other than static display, on the day.”